I made this bag from a cloth that I wove myself in middle school. I wanted to make something useful and I never have enough pockets to put my plant specimens.
My project was used as a final project and research. The purpose was to create a 3D print of the 3D faults and surrounding topography in order to see the relationship.
I'm the costume manager of Senryu Taiko, UCR's traditional drumming club. For Riverside's Ghost Walk, instead of our traditional costumes, we wear Halloween costumes instead. My friends had a cute group costume idea, where they would wear all white, and have a cushion on their back and look like sushi. I made a few pillow cases, and attached some backpack straps to the cushions to make it easier for everyone to perform. For me, I planned this awhile back, I made a small cape that was based on Mimikyu.
This is a test rig for a custom tensioner system I am trying to implement so that I can develop a prototype robotic arm with artificial muscles I made. The circuit is the driver I designed to drive the artificial muscles, and I plan to move it to a PCB after I am done testing this setup.
Digital art piece created using procreate software on an iPad.
3D printed Mandalorian Helmet