Veteran Reunion



Veteran Reunion






A photo of three older veterans meeting at a reunion. The text below reads, "Pictured above is 3 survivors of 2d platoon, Easy Co. 501. All belonged to S/Sgt Joe Knney's famous rest home for lost and misunderstood souls. At left is medic Anacleto Leone, originally a Detroiter, who dropped out of the Sacred Heart Seminary before WW2, while studying for the priesthood. He had too many girlfriends. Anacleto's name means 'The Stalking Lion', and he is of Greek and Italian descent. After WW2, Cleto worked for the Burroughs Corp., then moved to Wilmington, DE, and later to Virginia, where he now resides. At the Center is Jesus Ramirez of California. This was his first reunion and he was seeing these guys for the first time since 1945. Ramirez was knocked out and wounded by a German rifle grenade in the night attack of 17-18 Sept. 1944 at Veghel. Cleto is the medic who gave him first aid after the Germans overran Ramirez's position and left him for dead. At far right is former squad leader Lary McKenna of St Louis, MO. Lary made all the missions of the 501 in WW2, including the Normandy drop, in which he acted as Pathfinder Security for the 2/501st 'Base Stick'. Lt Joe at Bastogne (Recogne to be exact). Along with Co. 'C', Easy Co. had one of the better turnouts of former members and it was great for these guys to get together again after so many years. A total of nearly 90 WW2 vets of the 501 were in attendance. In addition to Jesus, Ramirez's first-timers included Cecil Ford (Co.A), Elmer Ritter(HQ/3), and Alvin Henderson (of Co. C.)."


Mexican-American History; World War II

Spatial Coverage

Inland Empire; Germany

Temporal Coverage

20th Century




1940s, 1980s-2000s.


Riverside County Mexican American Historical Society (RCMAHS)




English, Spanish


In Copyright

Item sets