Sunday Concerned Group Honoring Manny Villegas



Sunday Concerned Group Honoring Manny Villegas






Letter to the Redlands Daily Facts from the Sunday Concerned Group of Redlands announcing a special breakfast to honor Manuel "Manny" Villegas. The Sunday Concern Group, also known as the Menudo Club was a civil rights coordinating committee based at Impact Presbyterian Church. The group advocated for the expansion of civil rights, public facilities, and city attention in the Northside of Redlands.

The letter, dated June 30, 1981 reads: "The Sunday Concerned Group will serve a special breakfast complete with ceremonies, entertainment, and testimonials of gratitude and appreciation in honor of Mr. Manuel Villegas for his years of service and contributions to our youth, schools, and community on Sunday, July 12, 1981 from 9 to 11 A.M. in the Redlands Community Center, Washington & Lugonia Streets. "Manny Villegas came to Redlands from Zacatecas, Mexico, via El Paso, Texas and Cucamonga, California, where he was educated. He recieved his B.A. degree in 1933, and his M.A. degree in 1957 from the University of Redlands. Throughout his professional life he was a teacher, and a tireless worker in the community, from Fontana, to Cucamonga, and since 1952 in Redlands. He devoted his efforts to bringing athletic and cultural programs to area youth, and area youth to the programs, which included weight lifting, Folklorico dancing, Scouting, and the first Spanish Club in Redlands High School. He taught English language classes to wartime Braceros and Prisoners of War, as well as Spanish and Citizenship classes in Adult Education. After his retirement from Redlands High School, he became Senior Information & Referral Services Coordinator until illness limited his activites. The public is invited to attend and honor "Manny" at this breakfast. A donation of $5.00 per person is payable at the door. All proceeds will be donated to Redlands Community Hospital on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Villegas. Augie Medina, Chairman; Joe Gonzales President L.U.L.A.C.; Luise Linton Breakfast Chairperson; Rosemary Rhodes, Treasurer."


Civil Rights Activism

Spatial Coverage

Redlands Community Hospital

Temporal Coverage



Sunday Concerned Group, signed by Augie Medina, Joe Gonzales, Louise Linton, and Rosemary Rhodes




Inland Mexican Heritage, Courtesy of Ernest Medina






Copyright Undetermined

Bibliographic Citation

Vasquez, Antonio Gonzalez, and Genevieve Carpio. Mexican Americans in Redlands. Charleston, S.C: Arcadia Publishing, 2012.


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Manuel "Manny" and Eva Romero Villegas Image
Manuel Villegas with Boy Scout troop Image