2012 Calendar Page 26, RCMAHS and Augustine "Teen" Flores



2012 Calendar Page 26, RCMAHS and Augustine "Teen" Flores






The left side has the Riverside County Mexican American Historical Society's mission statement: "Riverside County Mexican American Historical Society is dedicated to bring our communities together through the preservation and sharing of historic photographs, stories, and artifacts that illustrate the local history followed of the Mexican American communities toward the unique history of the County of Riverside." This is followed by a list of RCMAHS advisory board members: Mary Figueroa, Elaine Kist, Ralph Nunez, Dvonne Pitrnzzelo, Kenny Sotelo, Sue Strickland, Gilbert Vasquez. Under that is a text: "RCMAHS takes great honor in being involved with The City of Riverside and The Human Relations Commission in bringing honor to Mr. Augustine "Teen" Flores 2011 Grier Icon." The rest is dedicated to Augustine "Teen Flores" written by Linda Salinas-Thompson for the 2011 Frier Icon that continues on the right side of the page under a headshot of Flores with a military side cap. "'Teen' Flores (1926-1987) was a resident of the Casa Blanca community of Riverside and a civic leader who worked tirelessly to build bridges between the Hispanic community of Riverside and the City's other communities. He, in large part, helped shape the character and direction of the Casa Blanca community. He was instrumental in establishing the Villegas Park in Casa Blanca neighborhood." The next paragraph reads: "A 1942 graduate Poly High and a veteran of the United States military, "Teen" was a Riverside firefighter; founder of the Riverside Chapter of the American G.I. Forum, and NAACP national chair; an entrepreneur who founded several businesses; and, a member of the Riverside Planning Commission who was recognized for his accomplishments by the Riverside Justice Chamber of Commerce which named him as its outstanding young man of the year in 1961." The dedication ends with this paragraph: "In recognition of his civic contributions, President Lyndon Johnson invited "Teen" Flores to participate in a White House conference on Hispanic in 1961. He passed away on December 15, 1967, after leaving an indelible mark on Riverside."The middle of the page advertises the 2011 Riverside Heroes Awards by Riverside Human Relations Commission would be on December 1, 2011, at 3:30.


Mexican American Stories and Interviews
Mexican American History
U.S. Military
Civil Rights Activism
Mexican American Military Service

Spatial Coverage

Riverside (Calif.)
Riverside County (Calif.)
Inland Empire (Calif.)
Casa Blanca (Calif.)

Temporal Coverage

20th Century




1942, 1961, 2011, 2012, 1967


Riverside County Mexican American Historical Society (RCMAHS)






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